Defining Bolt file

Bolt CLI manages your projects and its services using two types of yaml files. One is of them is bolt.yaml. Here’s how bolt.yaml work and manages processes for you.
This file contains your project information, envfile’s path, default service runner for your project, bolt services list, ingress routing to your bolt services & project runner server’s configuration. You can generate this file using init & service:add commands. Below’s the base template for bolt.yaml file.
envfile: <path/to/envfile>
project_id: '<Project ID>'
project_name: <Project Name>
services: null
ingress: null
Here's how bolt.yaml file would look after running the init command —
envfile: .env.tpl
project_id: '1687504622045'
project_name: mynextapp
services: null
ingress: null



This is the path to your project's envfile. Bolt CLI uses this file to load environment variables for your project. You can use .env.tpl as your envfile. Bolt CLI will automatically generate .env file from .env.tpl file.


This is the unique ID for your project. Bolt CLI uses this ID to identify your project. You can use bolt project:list command to list all your projects.


This is the name of your project. Bolt CLI uses this name to identify your project. You can use bolt project:list command to list all your projects.


This is the list of services for your project. You can add services to your project using bolt service:add command. You can also add services manually to this list.
To add services manually to this list, you need to map service's path in bolt.yaml file and add service's configuration in bolt-service.yaml file.
path: <path/to/bolt.service.yaml>
We will learn more on configuration of services in bolt-service.yaml section.


This is the list of servers & their locations for your project. You can add ingress servers & routes manually to this list.
We will learn more on configuration of ingress routes in ingress section.