Defining Bolt Ingress Configuration
Bolt Ingress is a configuration that defines how services running using bolt should be exposed to the outside world. It is a YAML Object that is placed in bolt.yaml file, and is named as ingress.
ingress accepts array of objects containing domain, port and options in yaml format.
proxy_cache_bypass: $http_upgrade
proxy_set_header_upgrade: $http_upgrade
proxy_set_header_host: $host
proxy_set_header_connection: '"upgrade"'
proxy_set_header_x_real_ip: $remote_addr
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_for: $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_proto: $scheme
proxy_pass: http://host.docker.internal:3000
domain (required)
domain is the domain name that you want to expose your service to. It can be a subdomain or a domain.
port (required)
port is the port number that you want to expose your service to.
options (required)
options is an array of objects that contains the configuration for the ingress. It accepts the following keys:
location (required)
location is the location that you want to expose your service to.
rewrite_key (required)
rewrite_key is the key that you want to rewrite.
rewrite_value (required)
rewrite_value is the value that you want to rewrite.
proxy_pass (required)
proxy_pass is the URL that you want to reverse proxy pass to.
• If you're using Host Project Runner, you should use http://host.docker.internal:PORT_NUMBER as the value of proxy_pass.
• If you're using Host Project Runner on a Linux based operating system, you should use http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER as the value of proxy_pass.
• If you're using VM Project Runner, you should use http://localhost:PORT_NUMBER as the value of proxy_pass.
client_max_body_size (optional)
client_max_body_size is the maximum body size that you want to allow. It accepts number in megabyte & its default value is 50.
proxy_http_version (optional)
proxy_http_version is the HTTP version that you want to use. It accepts 1.0 or 1.1 & its default value is 1.1.
proxy_cache_bypass (optional)
proxy_cache_bypass is the cache bypass that you want to use. Its default value is $http_upgrade.
proxy_set_header_upgrade (optional)
proxy_set_header_upgrade is the upgrade header that you want to use. Its default value is $http_upgrade.
proxy_set_header_host (optional)
proxy_set_header_host is the host header that you want to use. Its default value is $host.
proxy_set_header_connection (optional)
proxy_set_header_connection is the connection header that you want to use. Its default value is "upgrade".
proxy_set_header_x_real_ip (optional)
proxy_set_header_x_real_ip is the real IP header that you want to use. Its default value is $remote_addr.
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_for (optional)
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_for is the forwarded for header that you want to use. Its default value is $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for.
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_proto (optional)
proxy_set_header_x_forwarded_proto is the forwarded proto header that you want to use. Its default value is $scheme.
Ways to set environment variables in Bolt Ingress
Bolt Ingress allows you to use environment variables in the configuration using ${YOUR_VARIABLE_NAME} syntax.
Bolt Ingress picks up environment variables from project's root
.env file which is generated from
.env.tpl file. Learn more about environment management
You can use environment variables by using the following syntax —
project_id: '1689657879944'
project_name: sample-project
- domain:
proxy_pass: http://localhost:${ONE_APP_PORT}
- domain:
proxy_pass: http://localhost:${TWO_APP_PORT}